Temeria Wilcox, CRNP

Oct 9, 20222 min

Why Fat Freezing?

Losing weight is directly related to being healthy and for some people it increases their confidence. According to the American Diabetic Association, it is said that the first ten percent of weight that one loses will significantly improve their health. In addition, it will allow one to feel less self- conscious and have a more productive life.

Being overweight can have a negative impact on one’s self esteem as well as increase the chances of diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. These three alone significantly increases one’s chance of having cardiovascular disease.

The stubborn fat tissue also called adipose tissue might need to be removed by several ways. Invasive procedures such as cosmetic surgery, liposuction are surgical ways to remove adipose tissue. There are noninvasive methods to remove adipose tissue called fat freezing.

NP Family Practice offers fat freezing via the way of CryoSkin. This noninvasive procedure is quite common among celebrities struggling with weight. Moreover, researchers have mentioned that this may be more popular among women, especially since Khloe Kardashian and Gemma Collins opted for it.

Fat Freezing at NP Family Practice if much preferred since it is non-surgical. Many believe that it is a much safer process compared to liposuction. Also, studies have proven that people, especially women, have mentioned that opting for fat freezing was one of their best decisions and made them more confident in their appearance. It allowed them to love their bodies and brought about more happiness.

NP Family Practice offers fat freezing with our Cryoskin machine. If you are looking to remove stomach fat, back fat, arm fat, let or any other area give us a call to schedule a FREE consultation!!
